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Our commitment to the environment

Caring for the environment is a fundamental part of who we are.

We’re dedicated to continuously improving our standards and ensuring full compliance with environmental legislation, all while actively reducing our ecological footprint.

Minimising our environmental impact

Reducing energy consumption, maximising efficiency, and minimising our environmental impact are central to our mission. To encourage more sustainable travel options, we’ve launched a Cycle-to-Work and electric car scheme for our UK-based teams. Additionally, we’ve embraced remote work and flexible, hybrid schedules for roles that don’t require an on-site presence. These initiatives not only reduce daily commuting and lower our environmental impact but also contribute positively to our team’s well-being.

While our operations generate relatively modest waste, we take pride in managing it responsibly and sustainably. Our WEEE waste is recycled through a secure UK-based company, and we partner with a refining company to repurpose precious metals from surplus circuit boards and components. Even the packaging for our board-level products meets RESY 5264 approval, ensuring responsible material handling throughout our supply chain.

Our environmental goals

We’re committed to setting meaningful, practical targets that guide our environmental strategy:

  • Granular energy monitoring: We’re enhancing how we measure energy consumption at our Colchester factory to identify areas for further reduction.

  • Optimising testing processes: By reducing extraneous environmental testing on selected products, we aim to significantly cut down on energy usage during our testing processes.

  • Reducing our carbon footprint: We’re bringing a critical manufacturing process in-house, which will greatly reduce the need to ship our rugged boards via external contractors.

  • Collaborative waste reduction: We’re exploring partnerships with local organisations to enhance the reduction and recyclability of our plastic waste.

  • Sustainable shipping: Looking ahead, we’re identifying ways to introduce more sustainable methods for shipping our system-level products.

At Concurrent, we’re not just meeting environmental standards—we’re setting them. Together, we can build a more sustainable future.

Our statements


Our current product range is designed and manufactured to be compliant with the European Union RoHS Directive 2015/863 [RoHS 3].

Some technical documentation of legacy products makes reference to previous RoHS directives, or to our website. These products are compliant to the directives in force at the time the product was first placed on the market.

We base this assertion on information provided by its suppliers.


The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013, UK Statutory Instruments 2013 which became law in the UK on 1st January 2014 and has been amended on 1st January 2019.

We produce embedded computer products for the inclusion into end user equipment and are therefore exempt from the current WEEE directive. Many of our customers have military, aerospace, rail and vehicle applications. These applications are also exempt from current legislation.

We understand that the WEEE legislation is continually under revision and endeavour to ensure compliance where applicable.

All electronic equipment and products deemed to be beyond economical repair are disposed of responsibly by approved agents.


REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical substances) is a European Community Regulation relating to chemicals and their safe use (EC 1907/2006).

Concurrent is a producer of complex articles (electronic assemblies) as defined by this Regulation, and as such, is required to notify recipients of any Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) present in any article (component) incorporated into the complex article at a concentration level above 0.1% weight by weight (w/w).

Based on information received through our supply chain, the following notifiable SVHC’s have been identified as being present in some Concurrent products, above the 0.1% w/w concentration limit.

SVHCCAS NumberComponent TypeComments
1,2-Dimethoxyethane, ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 110-71-4Lithium CellsUsed in the electrolyte of Lithium Cells.
Hexahydro-1-methylphthalic anhydride48122-14-1Light Emitting Diode (LED)Used in the plastic hardener during the manufacture of some LEDs.
Hexahydro-3-methylphthalic anhydride57110-29-9Light Emitting Diode (LED)Used in the plastic hardener during the manufacture of some LEDs.
Hexahydro-4-methylphthalic anhydride19438-60-9Light Emitting Diode (LED)Used in the plastic hardener during the manufacture of some LEDs.
Hexahydromethylphthalic anhydride25550-51-0Light Emitting Diode (LED)Used in the plastic hardener during the manufacture of some LEDs.

Please note, the SVHC’s identified are not intended to be released from our products under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use. Therefore a safety data sheet is not required.

Conflict materials statement

Our policy is to maintain a “Conflict Free Material” supply chain, (as outlined in the Dodd-Frank Act 2010). Data provided by our supply chain is reviewed to ensure, as much as is reasonably practicable, that our products do not contain conflict materials from conflict regions. We buy components either direct from the manufacturer or through manufacturers’ authorised distributors.

Based on supplier responses, Concurrent confirms that it has not knowingly supplied products that contain materials from conflict regions.